
The process event pipeline allows you to capture the events in near real time from business applications for use with activity reporting, process analysis and optimization uses. Once the events are captured, various flow performance metrics can be computed to determine how fast the cases are moving withing the system. Typically each case may go through multiple stage until the end state is reached.

For example, consider a simplified mortgage loan origination process, which may include the following stages

  1. Loan Application is received

  2. Underwrites assess the borrowers credit

  3. Initial offer letter is sent out with rate lock

  4. Agreement is signed

  5. Loan is settled and money is disbursed

Each stage can be viewed separately and various performance metrics computed for each stage. For example

  • arrival rate - number of cases coming into a stage over a given time period

  • departure rate - number of cases leaving a stage over a given time period

  • work in progress - number of cases which are within a given stage

The process metrics described above can be calculated in addition to other aggregate performance metrics such as average case duration or average activity duration. We can look at the whole end to end process, as well as for specific stages. This can help analysts track how performance metrics change over time and perform trend analysis.

Finally, the process metrics reconstructed from the process events can be visualized through a flow diagram.

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