Grafana provides a rich set of panels which can be combined to build rich interactive dashboards
Graph is the main panel type in Grafana, which provides a rich set of graphing options.
Draw Modes
Bar - Display values as a bar chart
Lines - Display values as a line graph
Points - Display points for values
The Singlestat Panel can be used to show the one summary stat for a SINGLE series. It can be used to reduce the series into a single number (by computing the min, max, average, or sum of values in the series).
The Heatmap panel can be used to to view histograms over time. Heatmaps make use of histogram, which graphically represents distribution of numerical data. The data is grouped into buckets and then values into each bucket are counted. Each bar represents a bucket and the bar height represents the frequency (i.e. count) of values that fell into that bucket’s interval.
The table panel displays the results of a query in a tabular format. It supports multiple modes for time series as well as table, annotation and raw JSON data. Additional options are provided for date formatting, value formatting and coloring options.
Text panel is used to provide description and other informative texts for the panels. Text panel supports: markdown, HTML and plain text format.
Refer to Grafana docs for additional panel types and detailed configuration options for above panels.
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